Welcome to Perigon.

We offer market leading underwriting services for Product Recall Insurance across a range of production processes and industries.

Our Core Values:

Service – market leading service for our brokers and clients

Expertise – empowered underwriters who have the knowledge and expertise to manage the most complex accounts 

Global Outlook – based in London but with appetite for product recall risk around the world

Innovative – working closely with client and brokers to offer valuable contamination and recall cover to meet their individual needs

Thought Leadership – helping clients navigate through the rapidly changing risk and regulatory environment for product safety  



About Us

Perigon Product Recall Limited offers market-leading underwriting services underpinned by the 20+ years experience of Ian Bailey. Having originally focused on the food and beverage space, Ian has played a key role in developing a market for specialist recall products – for example, automotive / non-automotive components, restaurant contamination insurance, pharmaceutical products (including medical devices), consumer durables, packaging risks and retailer recall propositions.

Ian Bailey

Ian Bailey
CEO & Director

Ian brings over 23 years of underwriting experience to Perigon having specialised in product recall and contamination for the last 18 years. Ian has held a variety of senior positions within the recall market, working in both  Lloyd’s and Company market environments, before setting up the first recall specific MGA in the London Market. Ian holds a BA (Hons) in Geography from the University of Manchester and is ACII qualified.

Natalie Lilley

Natalie Lilley
Senior Underwriter

Natalie has nearly 30 years of underwriting experience, including over 20 years in product recall and contamination. Natalie has held a number of senior positions at recall markets in London, and has built a solid reputation for providing superior service and a technical approach to underwriting.

Raquel McHardy

Raquel McHardy

Raquel started her underwriting career with Perigon and has over three years’ experience in writing recall insurance, specialising in the main product classes offered by Perigon. Raquel holds a MSC in Risk, Disaster and Resilience from UCL and is DIP CII qualified.

Lloyd Fornah
Assistant Underwriter

Lloyd has 4 years of Insurance experience, including over 1 years’ experience specialising in product recall and contamination. Lloyd holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from St Mary’s University Twickenham and is DIP CII qualified.

What We Do

Perigon Product Recall Limited was established in November 2019 with a focus on writing effective coverage for a wide range of production processes. Our team has a reputation for approachability and flexibility in developing new structures for both existing and emerging risks.

Automotive/Component Recall

Consumer Durable

Food & Beverage


Restaurant Contamination

Retailer Recall


Non-Automotive Component Parts

Water Utilities